February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 235
pletion of that degree, her role expanded to
all aspects of the trucking business. As Presi-
dent, she deals with virtually every part of
the business. Her operational expertise has
been well-honed, as Edmondson acknowl-
edges that trucking has been an intricate
part of her life, for all her life. Kelly Isom
joined Trailiner as CFO in 2006. His ac-
counting and financial knowledge has been
another excellent addition to the executive
team. Through the efforts and dedication
of the entire team, Trailiner has grown into
a national corporation providing excellent
service throughout America
Trailiner has been successful because of the
premiere service they continually provide
customers. That commitment to service
starts with their management team, who of-
fer more than a century of collective experi-
ence in transportation and traffic manage-
ment. It extends all the way to the company’s
roster of devoted shippers – all of whom
dedicate themselves to meeting or exceed-
ing the needs of their customers, alongside
“A lot of what makes us different is
the fact we put service to our customers first
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