February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 239
of the trucks, and provide a two-way com-
munications link between drivers and the
terminal personnel. The system has allowed
Trailiner to enhance their service offering to
the benefit of customers, drivers and the en-
tire Trailiner system.
“We adopted the satellite trucking
technology in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s be-
fore there was even GPS in the truck, and
since then have been able to maintain some
level of text communications with the driv-
ers. That has expanded over the years,” Ed-
mondson says.
Trailiner’s latest communication sys-
tems are a far cry from Edmondson’s early
days as a child when she came into the office,
she recalls. “I remember going into the dis-
patch office and seeing a big dry erase board
that covered an entire wall. It had all the
trucks, the numbers on them and where they
were going to for their final destination and
where they were at their last call in,” she says.
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