February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 245
volumes of business at the retail level, the
suppliers are put at ease by the fact that PDS’
expertise and systems can meet all the distri-
bution requirements set forth by retailers.
This level of comfort allows their customers
to concentrate on their core business, which
is to put the best product on the shelf at the
lowest possible cost.
Customers care about a few key things
– that their shipments arrive on time, arrive
at optimal frequencies, and the cost is low.
And that’s what PDS delivers, every time, he
PDS also stands apart fromother logis-
tics companies due to the size of their ware-
houses. They offer 2.4 million square-feet of
space across Indiana, Texas, California and
Georgia, that provides a national footprint
for distribution across the United States. All
of the space is AIB-certified (American In-
stitute of Baking) with superior ratings.
“When the product is ready to ship,
our traffic department can make arrange-
ments for truckload orders as well as large
LTL’s,” he says. All the facilities are owned
and managed by PDS and their employees.
“They’re not only strategically located, but
have the capacity to meet every customers’
needs.” PDS maintains an open-door policy
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