February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 241
The company is currently in the pro-
cess of upgrading their in-cab communica-
tion system, partnering with Rand McNally
to equip all of their trucks with theTND760
Fleet Edition Truck GPS. “Rand McNally
has been testing with a handful of trucks
for a couple of months and everything has
worked out well,” Edmondson explains. “So
that’s where we’re going.”
Looking ahead to the longer term,
Edmondson says that Trailiner Corpora-
tion will continue to grow by maintaining
their long history of excellence in service
and product. By keeping to that tradition of
quality, Trailiner will continue to thrive far
into the future.
“We’re certainly optimistic looking forward
because a large part of our business is pro-
duce and food products,” Edmondson says.
“And people are always going to have to eat.”
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