February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 247
vative and leading edge services that support
our customers’ needs,” Charlebois says. “Our
customers are looking for value-added ben-
efits, so we’re going to align with companies
that can provide world class services and sup-
At the moment, they’re working with
a customer that is interested in using Road-
runner for their global capabilities and wants
to use PDS for their supply chain. That is
significant for PDS because “we are a global
company,” Charlebois says. “Roadrunner is
a global company that helps us position our
service, not only froma domestic standpoint,
but international as well.”
Looking ahead five to 10 years, Char-
lebois predicts PDS will continue to be a
dominant leader in supply chain manage-
ment by delivering services to any segment or
industry. Consumers demand more choices,
more so now than any other time, and retail-
ers demand efficiency. They bring solutions
to both.
“We’re showing that through our cus-
tomers’ value proposition, we bring optimal
supply chain solutions for anyone who needs
it,” he says.
Kevin Charlebois, President of Prime Distribution
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