February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 257
recognized green building certification pro-
gram and has become the most successful
voluntary, private, market-driven real estate
program in the country. LEED is certify-
ing some 1.6 million square feet of building
space each day in more than 130 countries,
providing guidance on the design, construc-
tion, operations and maintenance. Today,
there almost 50,000 various projects partici-
pating in LEED, comprising more than 8.9
billion square feet of construction space.
• Greenbuild International Conference &
Expo—recognized as the world’s largest and
most widely attended green building confer-
ence and expo, it annually attracts thousands
from around the world who come to gain
greater insight on strategies, resources and
applications essential to green building.
• Advocacy—USGBCworks with its advo-
cates at every level of government to provide
policymakers and community leaders with
the tools and resources needed to increase
awareness of the benefits of building sustain-
able environments.
• Credentials — from the LEED Green As-
sociate credential to the various LEED AP
credentials, USGBC enables professionals
to earn a designation that helps distinguish
them in the building industry. The confer-
ring of LEED Green Associate and LEED
AP credentials serve to validate a profession-
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