February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 267
San Antonio, Texas, is historically celebrated for a battle fought at a famous fortress called The
Alamo. In 1836, in a struggle to wrest Texas independence from Mexico, a few hundred fron-
tiersmen (which included notables like Jim Bowie and Davy Crockett) perished at the hands
of an army led by Mexican General Santa Anna. Weeks later, an outraged cadre of Americans
amassed to defeat that army at the Battle of San Jacinto. Their victorious battle cry is still wide-
ly recalled today – Remember the Alamo! But today, when visiting San Antonio, beyond the
Alamo, one might also remember to conserve energy through the use of compact fluorescent
bulbs, or rely less on fossil fuels, or ride a bike when possible, all thanks to city practices in sus-
tainability. Collectively, sustainability initiatives are helping the city to forge a new history for a
new future, while providing a few lessons well worth the remembering.
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