274 | Business World Magazine |
February 2013
grading city facilities and historic structures
to improve lighting and HVAC systems.
Last year, that project helped save 8,200,000
KWh of energy and 6,500 CCF of natural
gas, or a savings of more than $650,000 in
annual avoided energy costs. The City uses
in-house expertise to measure the energy sav-
ings over time. They then utilize an innova-
tive funding mechanism to capture the sav-
ings and reinvest them in a fund that is used
to finance future energy-saving upgrades.
Office of SustainabilityContractMan-
ager Clint McKenzie says one of the chal-
lenges San Antonio had to overcome was ed-
ucating people on how sustainability works.
“Teaching people to do things differently is
always a challenge,” says McKenzie. In this
case, San Antonio was helped through the
creation on an online, do-it-yourself audit-
ing tool through the municipal utility, CPS
San Antonio Office of
Sustainability Group
San Antonio
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