February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 275
Energy. It allowed participants to answer a
few questions, and generated a report of the
money they could save by making changes
from as simple switching out bulbs to re-
placing inefficient air conditioning systems.
That online audit has now been performed
by some 13,000 people throughout the com-
munity. As McKenzie states, “Money really
does talk. The auditing tool helps show them
how to make improvements that can help
save them money, and that’s a great way to
introduce them to change.”
Both McKenzie and Hammer credit
City leadership and support of the munici-
pal utility company, CPS Energy, as critical
to the success that has been achieved thus
far. They also credit grants and support pro-
vided by the Department of Energy.
As the nation’s seventh largest city, San An-
tonio encompasses a large geographic area,
and people do like to drive. Other sustain-
able measures have involved changes in the
approach to moving from here to there.
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