278 | Business World Magazine |
February 2013
Atmospheric conditions have threatened to
designate the area as a non-attainment zone,
a reflection of substandard air quality that
could potentially lead to reduced availability
of federal funds, and increased costs for fuel
directly hitting consumers, and businesses,
in the pocketbook. Reducing carbon emis-
sion from car exhaust helps on that front.
On the water side of the equation, Barker
says it takes five gallons of water to produce
one gallon of gas. For an area that has experi-
enced drought as a result of climate change,
Barker notes that water is a precious com-
Costs savings that benefit business, utility
cost reductions for homeowners, enhanced
modes of alternative transportation, all of it
is a byproduct of a team approach and will-
ingness to work together which may be the
ultimate factor in what makes things a little
different in San Antonio. The city has pre-
viously garnered recognition as one of the
most friendly-to-business cities in America,
which may have played into its distinction
as one of America’s best places to find a job.
Factors, which have contributed to recent re-
Mary Hammer, Interim Director of the
Office of Sustainability
Mayor Julián Castro
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