286 | Business World Magazine |
February 2013
with “Keep Coppell Beautiful” and fulfilling
of their local mission to promote education
as well as activities that result in waste reduc-
tion, litter prevention and increased beauti-
fication. Beyond the honor generated, Cop-
pell was also awarded more than $200,000 in
funds from the Texas Department of Trans-
portation which will be used for a local high-
way landscaping project.
And not to negate any significance
of their 2012 award, the simple
fact remains, this wasn’t the first
time Coppell has earned such
distinction. Over the last seven
years, Coppell has secured more
than two-dozen various honors
and awards for its environmen-
tal and conservation practices.
Initiatives, as well as individu-
als of Coppell, have consistently
captured state and national rec-
ognition for their environmen-
tal efforts. While these activi-
ties have been routinely thrust
into the spotlight throughout
the last decade, Coppell actu-
ally started stepping-up to the
stage many years earlier. Coppell
Community Programs Supervi-
sor Amanda Vanhoozier explains it this way,
“We were being ‘green’ before it was even
cool to be seen as ‘green’”.
Today’s Coppell is a byproduct of ini-
tiatives that date back more than 20 years,
following the designation of the Dallas/Fort
Worth Metroplex as a “nonattainment area”
in accordance with laws defined by the Clean
Air Act of 1970.These are areas where the air
Governor’s TEEA Award (Texas Environmental Excellence Award)
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