February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 289
paign blossomed into something greater and
grander in scale. The City went on to create
an environment that promoted the idea that
everyone is accountable, everyone is respon-
sible, and everyone can play a role in making
improvements, whether that is offering ideas
and suggestions or simply doing the right
thing. The City established a “Green Team”
comprised of representatives from every de-
partment. These members routinely provid-
ed suggestions and ideas which went on to
take a life of their own.
For example, as City Fleet Manager
Mark Brochtrup details, deliberations led to
changes in fleet operations. Beyond imple-
menting standards involving practices at fu-
eling stations, Coppell went on to enact what
may be the nation’smost stringent “no idling”
policies. Other changes led to the purchas-
ing of hybrid vehicles (the first Toyota Prius’
in Dallas County), in fact, Brochtrup says al-
most 15 percent of the city’s fleet are hybrid
today, which includes police cars.
The City went on to improve storm
water management systems, adopt use of En-
ergy Star certified appliances, and create edu-
cational programs and events that have since
become annual community traditions. From
Seminars are periodically held by
volunteer gardeners about successful
landscaping in Texas requiring low
water and maintenance.
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