February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 295
Another important Member Initiative is the
Power Generation and Infrastructure Initia-
tive. This Initiative will convene all relevant
stakeholders at multiple forums to examine
the growing role of renewable energy and
the utility business models of the future.
Building on the considerable progress
power generation companies across the U.S.
are making in employing a host of strategies
to integrate renewable energy into their op-
erating systems, the objective of this Initia-
tive is to define a viable architecture for the
scale up and systems integration of renew-
able energy resources. The collaboration will
examine the challenges, opportunities and
appropriate strategies related to the expand-
ed use and effective integration of renewable
energy in the power generation sector. It
will also explore 21st century business mod-
els that will allow for this renewable energy
ACORE, in partnership with the
Electric Power Research Institute and the
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
on this Initiative, is uniquely positioned to
help define the expanded opportunities for
renewable energy and utility business mod-
els of the future by drawing on the collective
expertise and experience of its membership,
renewable energy leaders involved in genera-
tion manufacturing, project development,
finance, end-use and professional services.
Renewable energy currently represents
12% of power generation, but it will contin-
ue to grow as a share of the overall U.S. elec-
tricity portfolio. A combination of private
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