February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 297
tomer relations and usage patterns, emerging
financing structures, and the electrification
of our transportation sector continue to
present challenges as well as opportunities to
the power generation sector which is tasked
with delivering state-of-the-art and reliable
ACORE’s Transportation Initiative aims
to provide a forum in which to discuss the
vision and strategy for tomorrow’s renew-
able transportation sector, encompassing all
technologies and principal constituencies:
vehicle and equipment manufacturers, en-
ergy providers, technology developers, com-
ponent suppliers, government agencies, cit-
ies and ports and end users. The Initiative is
structured around several forums occurring
throughout the year that will unite major
players in the industry to discuss specific de-
velopments in the field that will ultimately
result in an overarching strategy to guide the
Initiative into the coming year. This multi-
part forum series will examine economic, en-
vironmental, and security-related challenges
and opportunities driven primarily by the
growth of automotive, transit, goods move-
ment and aerospace fleets. The Initiative will
take a “30,000 foot view” of the issues and
explore the intersection between fuels, in-
frastructure and technology. Discussion will
engage all aspects of transportation as they
relate to fuel efficiency, electric power, natu-
ral gas and fuel generation from renewable
sources, including integrative design, IT-
based solutions, and construction of infra-
structure, finance, supply, and operation of
transportation services worldwide.
ACORE members involved in the
Initiative encompass all sectors of transpor-
tation from sea, air and land. A broad array
of technologies will be discussed, including
clean diesel, natural gas, electric, biofuels/
flex fuels, batteries and fuel cell technologies.
In recent years, the renewable energy in-
dustry has experienced a period of record-
breaking growth. Solar installation is soaring
across the country, growing 109% in 2011.
Wind energy is cost-competitive in many
parts of America and grew 27% in 2011, cre-
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