February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 307
Internally, they employ a young, energetic
team of professionals with a strong sense of
teamwork, and a clear commitment towards
sustainable energy, not unlike their clients.
The young staff gives them the opportu-
nity to look at today’s generation, Burkett
says, adding that the younger generation has
more insight on alternatives to doing things,
which is symbolic as alternative energy is the
“way of the future.”
“We are committed to each customer by de-
livering quality installations and making ‘go-
ing solar’ an effortless experience. We build
customer loyalty by doing what we say we
will every time and on time. We believe the
satisfaction of our customers is the best mea-
sure of our success,” he says.
ESA has multiple preferred suppliers for
panels, combiner boxes, inverters, and rack-
ing systems for their installations. These
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