306 | Business World Magazine |
February 2013
“Most of our solar projects that we
have built, overproduce approximately 13 to
23 percent of what is expected from the in-
vestors,” he adds.
ESA Renewables’ complete package
of services has resulted in more than 500 in-
stallations worldwide involving 45 different
utility companies. From viability studies and
project development to engineering, con-
struction, monitoring, commissioning and
obtaining the necessary administrative per-
mits – ESA does do it all.
What also makes ESA a leading alter-
native energy company is their solar integra-
tion with multi-megawatts installed in more
than 500 solar PV power-generating facili-
ties in the United States, Puerto Rico, Spain,
Chile, and Italy. These solar projects range
from large-scale solar farms to commercial
rooftop installs.
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