February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 309
strong and long-lasting relationships allow
the company to install PV systems that they
know will perform to the highest standards
at maximum output, Burkett says.
“We provide technologically advanced
systems that provide value, cost-effectively
reduce energy consumption, are reliable, sus-
tainable and meet clients’ expectations.”
As successful as ESA Renewables has been
since the beginning, a constant challenge has
been to convert people to green energy de-
spite the cost involved. Burkett says it takes a
lot of capital to build green projects, and the
majority of them are a long-term financial
investment. “While there are always people
out there that want to do the right thing and
have green power, are they willing to pay it
in premium for that? Some are, some aren’t.”
That will be a challenge for a long
time to come, Burkett admits, but the fu-
ture is still going to be bright and will cre-
ate more opportunities for green technolo-
gies. As more and more people embrace the
idea of sustainability, the long-term future
of ESA Renewables keeps getting better. “It
is a cash-strong business that not only offers
people a financial gain, but also a satisfying
feeling that they are doing something good,”
he says.
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