February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 319
ing before being returned to the islands Tests
involving the meal have shown high protein
levels as well as palatability.
While encouraged by the potential to
assist the Hawaii cattle industry, Pacific Bio-
diesel is currently providing employment for
more than 150 people through its combined
operations. Of all the honors and recogni-
tions bestowed upon Pacific Biodiesel, Kelly
is especially proud of the company’s Green
Jobs Award. She says that enthusiasm for the
Pacific Biodiesel mission and seeing local
families supported by quality jobs, make for
an exceptional working environment.
“Everyone here, whether it is a truck
driver collecting feedstock, a fuel processor,
office clerk or senior manager, understands
what we’re about and is committed to the
work,” says Kelly King.
Customers are also considered by the
company to be pioneers and environmental
heroes. “We have people who come to the
pump to purchase locally made biodiesel
who thank us as they pay. You never see that
at a gas station,” she adds.
And though Pacific Biodiesel has prov-
en profitable and performed as a successful
business model, Kelly stresses the impor-
tance of redefining routine ideas about the
nature of wealth or riches, saying, “Often we
struggled, but we always knewwe were doing
the right thing. Our vision of success wasn’t
always focused on the net bottom line, and
sometimes you have to have a different defi-
nition of success. If you can benefit the com-
munity, if you can make a difference in the
world, if you maintain your principles and
develop a reputation as a doer with integrity,
that’s a huge payback … and if you can make
a living at it, it’s like winning the lottery.”
Final preparations are
made for fuel production
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