February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 327
think, maybe, there’s been too much build-
ing, but if it is done properly, there is a way
that we can blend old with new. We’re a fam-
ily-owned company, and the family of this
company cares greatly about this community
and its people, so we’ve always tried to do the
right thing and be careful with how we go
about it.”
Ross says that care is not only imparted in
preserving history, but in working with busi-
ness owners to secure their future. Mitchell
Historic Properties demonstrates vested in-
terest in the success of their tenants by go-
ing as far as to advise them on business plans
and offer flex lease arrangements. Ross says
that behind every business are people doing
their best to provide jobs in the community
and earn a living. As much as the company
values historic properties, Ross says greater
value is placed on the people who occupy
The Tremont House offers Galveston’s only open-air rooftop venue. The Rooftop Bar is open
Wednesdays through Saturdays in the evenings (weather permitting).
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