February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 329
markable man.” Ross goes on to add that the
entire family is remarkable, and fully devoted
to the company. He says George and his late
wife may have started everything, but the en-
tire family has been involved and engaged in
the work of the company, and the growth of
Galveston, throughout their entire life.
George’s son, Grant, is CEO of Mitchell
Historic Properties. One of his daughters,
Sheridan Lorenz, oversees marketing of the
properties and is instrumental in the creation
of events and attractions that create a dy-
namic and vibrant atmosphere in the down-
town district. Granddaughter Lori Mitchell
is the interior designer for the hotel proper-
ties owned by the family. Ross says people
sometimes ask what will happen at that time
when the Senior Mitchell may fix his atten-
tion on developments in other divine areas,
but these are speculations Ross sees fit to dis-
miss. “This family is very focused. There is a
legacy in Galveston, and this family is very
committed to this community and will con-
tinue to be so in the future.”
The Hotel Galvez pool offers poolside dining, a swimup bar, hot tub and cabanas.
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