February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 315
Biodiesel fuel is non-toxic and biode-
gradable. Studies show that using biodiesel
substantially reduces the emission of pol-
lutants, specifically the hydrocarbons, car-
bon monoxide and sulfates that contribute
to global climate change. Pacific Biodiesel’s
community-based biodiesel production
model has not only helped alleviate the en-
vironmental hazards of dumping waste oils,
but has also helped diminish demand for
fossil fuels, created quality local jobs and put
us on a path to true energy security.
Although the benefits of biodiesel are
more widely understood today, that wasn’t
always the case. The Kings can be credited
for helping the entire industry by proving
that biodiesel is safe and highly sufficient in
a variety of applications. As Kelly explains,
the company began production before fuel
emissions standards had been established for
this segment of industry. She says basic mis-
understanding and “push-back” from big oil
created more than a few bumps on their road
to success.
In its early history, Pacific Biodiesel
helped regulators by providing data essen-
tial to testing and creating emission stan-
dards. As those standards have evolved over
the years, the company has invested in much
R&D, resulting in technology and efficiency
Pacific Biodiesel President Robert King gives a tour of the Big Island Biodiesel facility.
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