298 | Business World Magazine |
February 2013
ating an opportunity for the U.S. to compete
in global, clean energy manufacturing. Bio-
fuels offset our dependence on foreign oil as
15 billion gallons of ethanol and biodiesel
were produced by U.S. refineries in 2011.
Despite these business successes, mis-
information about the different renewable
energy technologies abound in themedia and
renewable energy has become a sort of po-
litical football in the United States. ACORE
set out to create a website to debunk the mis-
information surrounding renewable energy,
to rebalance the energy debates and provide
fact-based information about the industry.
In 2012, ACORE launched Energy
Fact Check (
) and
@EnergyFactCheck. The website and Twit-
ter feed respond to media misinformation
and help educate about the successes and
potential of renewable energy. Energy Fact
Check provides clarification on hot-button
issues surrounding the industry. Content
focuses on specific misinformation such
as, “Renewable energy is too expensive and
drives up electricity and fuel prices.” The
“Featured Fact Checks” provide credible in-
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