February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 291
complies with numerous standards of sus-
tainability, but beautifully looks at home in
But all combined, the environmental
focus in operations have not only helped
the city and its resident save money and save
energy, it has also contributed to Coppell’s
presence in numerous books, journals and
studies, as well as at the forefront of thought
from communities around the world who
often turn to the city for advice and insight
into practices they might also adopt.
Mayor Karen Hunt says at present,
Coppell is benefiting from the work of a
committee comprised of 125 citizens who
developed the “2030 Vision,” a plan that
provides strategies to manage future oppor-
tunities and challenges, ensuring that the
high standard of living today will continue
tomorrow. She says it was good that Cop-
pell determined to adhere to such practices
while the community was in the early stages
of growth, because it now guides the manner
in which Coppell will further mature. She
says beyond the cost savings, community
involvement and education programs that
benefit children and adults, Coppell ben-
efits also from the exposure it has received
for striving to keep both Texas, and America,
“We are known as a community of
choice,” says Mayor Hunt. “If people choose
to live here because the way our city looks
and the way we act, we want to them to par-
ticipate too.”
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