294 | Business World Magazine |
February 2013
ACORE’s National Defense & Security Ini-
In partnership with the Department
of Defense (DoD), ACORE has launched a
Member Initiative to examine the strategies,
technological & financial opportunities, and
challenges related to the expanded use of
renewable energy in support of national de-
fense. A series of Initiative forums will high-
light innovative ways the purchasing power
of DoD, combined with the ingenuity of
private sector industries and financiers, can
be used to lower costs as well as support the
military’s mission.
The collaboration is focused on ac-
complishing the following: to establish en-
ergy requirements that meet forecasted mili-
tary needs with competitive renewable and
alternative energy sources; to identify exist-
ing and forecasted technological gaps not
addressed by off-the-shelf energy technolo-
gies and applications; to define next-genera-
tion financing structures that will help DoD
accelerate the adoption of renewable energy
without significant budgetary impact; and
to define model procurement methodolo-
gies to accelerate project development, re-
duce procurement overhead, enhance proj-
ect value, and maximize results for DoD and
the taxpayer.
The forum series strives to identify
mechanisms that help DoD achieve mission
objectives, save taxpayer expenditures, and
reduce barriers to renewable energy deploy-
ment. The Initiative and forums are support-
ed by industry partners, the Advanced Ener-
gy Economy (AEE), and several foundation
partners, notably the Rockefeller Brothers
Foundation and the Energy Foundation.
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