February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 279
search that indicates San Antonio is among
the cities who are fastest recovering from the
economic recession.
That’s a point not lost on San Antonio
City Manager Sheryl Sculley who says, “The
business culture in San Antonio is shaped by
a strong and collaborative working relation-
ship with the business community, the San
Antonio Economic Development Founda-
tion, local chambers of commerce, and other
economic development entities in the city.
As a result of this close collaboration, San
Antonio is able to attract new businesses and
help local ones grow which translates into
investments, jobs, and opportunities for the
Sculley says that the partnerships
and support with the business community
is working to help the entire community
reach the sustainability goals and visions of
SA2020. She also says that the enhance-
ments achieved through sustainability, when
combined with the diverse history and cul-
ture, as well as the shopping, dining, art,
entertainment, an activity opportunities for
families and young professionals, not only
make San Antonio a great place to work, but
a pretty nice place to live too.
Manager Sheryl Sculley
Green Shade Award
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