244 | Business World Magazine |
February 2013
changes PDS has remained an industry lead-
er in providing truly cost-effective distribu-
Today, PDS is at the forefront of sup-
ply chain management, or collaborative lo-
gistics as it is commonly referred to as. Their
history as a consolidator has helped differen-
tiate them from the competitors in the past,
and will continue to do so well into the fu-
“We want to handle our customers’ en-
tire supply chain, including transportation
management,” says President Kevin Char-
lebois. “That’s the core of our business.”
PDS works proactively with their custom-
ers, suppliers and retailers to design low-cost,
high service and easily visible supply chain
solutions for everything they need. “At the
heart of our success is our willingness to ac-
commodate customer requests. Through in-
novative problem solving and collaboration,
we have been able to build programs around
our customers’ needs,” Charlebois says. “At
the same time, we provide the highest level
of service to the retail destinations.”
Since many of their customers are
small to medium-sized companies with large
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