238 | Business World Magazine |
February 2013
trucks and trailers. Their trailers are 53' x
102'-wide, high-cube reefers that can handle
almost every kind of product. To keep in-line
with their commitment to quality, Trailiner
uses only the best technical equipment for
temperature control.
“As the industry changes we have to
change with it, and we have to do what we
have to do to remain competitive,” Edmond-
son says.
With their top-of-the-line trucks and
trailers comes a strict safety program where
each driver is required to attend one safety
meeting each quarter. That diligence has
paid off – Trailiner's safety record is one of
the best in the country, ensuring them the
lowest insurance rates in the trucking indus-
In addition to being safe, all Trailiner
trucks are linked to the satellite communi-
cations network. This allows the company
to monitor the location and status of each
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