February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 233
Trailiner Corporation is a leading family-owned truckload carrier whose operations ex-
pand through 48 states. They haul various commodities, ranging from produce and gro-
cery to pharmaceutical and retail goods – all at competitive prices that meet individual
shipping needs. They have more than 30 years of service and throughout that time their
service record has remained second to none.
H. E. “Spook” Whitener founded Trailiner in 1982 after having owned and driv-
en trucks for over 20 years. According to his granddaughter, Trailiner President Amber
Edmondson, Whitener was literally dubbed with the nickname “Spook” from his father
who had awaited his birth while watching a western movie at a nearby theatre. “Spook was
a character in the film he watched and that was the nickname he picked for him. It stuck
for his whole life,” she says.
Amber Edmondson, President of Trailiner Corporation
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