230 | Business World Magazine |
February 2013
drivers, but CLT’s ability to retain the best
all relates back to Jasper’s values of integrity,
accountability and transparency. “Commu-
nicating, and being accountable to our car-
riers is just as important as communicating
and accountability with our customers. We
understand that you have to be honest with
drivers… if you tell’em you’re going to give
them 3,000 miles a week, then do it,” he ad-
monishes. The company recognizes that car-
riers are a critical component of their success,
and they constantly strive to provide infor-
mation and solutions that allow for the car-
rier’s success. “These are special people and
when you’re doing long distance hauling, it’s
a different world out there. You have to re-
spect what these drivers do because it takes a
special person to do it,” says Jasper.
In terms of the future, Jasper affirms that the
company will continue to build on the suc-
cess it has achieved by staying true to their
mission to deliver benefits of quality service
and cost savings to their clients.
That includes maintaining a support
role to agri-business where CLT is a carrier
of choice that uniquely helps facilitate the
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