224 | Business World Magazine |
February 2013
company move to the forefront of its indus-
try by building on lessons learned from his
own professional experiences and steadfastly
adhering to three basic tenets that overarch
all activities of the company. “There are three
principles which guide our work,” says Jasper.
“It has to be noble, fun and profitable.”
Having secured multiple customer re-
lationship inmarkets throughout the United
States, Canada and Mexico, the venture has
generated enough income to enable CLT to
make significant investments in developing a
state-of-the-art fleet, expand upon their op-
erations in Illinois and open new branches
in Dallas, Texas, as well as Ottawa and On-
tario in Canada. In terms of fun, Jasper says
he derives a particular measure of pleasure by
working with a team he describes as “young,
energetic and capable.” Among those is one
he reserves special pride in working with, his
son (Paul Jasper), who previously served at
another logistics operation before partner-
ing with his father at CLT. “Besides,” as Jas-
per asks, “What is a job worth if you don’t
really enjoy it?”
That only leaves the last principle com-
ponent - being noble - which deserves special
focus as this not only represents why CLT
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