February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 223
Long before the 2005 launch of Covered
Logistics and Transportation, Paul “Tuck”
Jasper served as President of Shurfine Inter-
national, a primary distributor of private-
label and major-brand goods sold by grocers
throughout the United States. Prior to that,
he had held another highly successful career
with Kroger, America’s largest retail grocery
chain. In more recent years, Jasper has been
the force behind a few small start-ups which
include a line of energy drinks, and by all ac-
counts, he is simply a man who likes to stay
busy. Dismissing any notion about any want
to rest on his professional laurels, Jasper says,
“You gotta keep moving.” As President of
Covered Logistics and Transportation, Jas-
per (along with his Partners Pat Gillihan and
Paul Jasper) has helped a relatively young
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