February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 229
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1/18/13 2:22 PM
one-hour away from delivery.
Other technical innovations have been
secured through the company’s relationship
with Idle Free Systems, an innovative provid-
er of comprehensive idle elimination solu-
tions uniquely catered for trucks and buses.
Industry data finds that discretionary idling
of a typical fleet sleeper truck can consume
as much as 3,000 gallons of diesel per year.
The Idle Free system not only offers up to
$10,000 in annual savings, but also elimi-
nates the additional stresses leading to engine
wear and tear associated with idling. And
while reducing engine maintenance costs,
the Idle Free solution also helps reduce CO
emissions. Through its partnership with Idle
Free Systems, Covered Logistics & Trans-
portation is not only operating economically
practical, but also environmentally prudent.
Yet, the focus on material fortitude
may only be surpassed by the attention CLT
devotes to its business associates. Jasper says,
in the company’s beginning, more than 200
interviews were conducted to identify five
appropriate drivers. When one has top-of-
the-line equipment, there is need for top-
of-the-line operators. In recent years, that
equipment has helped the company attract
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