February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 83
ast to your Success
In his poetic ponderings on the Pierian Springs (the mythological waters said to impart
understanding in arts and sciences) Alexander Pope wrote it is better to drink deep than
to taste not as “shallow draughts intoxicate the brain… and drinking largely sobers us.”
There’s a certain entrepreneur who also encourages consumers to drink deep, and with-
out fear, for he’s applied his acumen in science and business arts to create a revolutionary
line of beverages. In this case, the only thing intoxicating is the potential for success.
Here are some sobering facts about alcohol
consumption in the United States. Each
year, more than one million people are ar-
rested for driving under the influence of al-
cohol. According to a 2012 study conducted
by the National Highway Traffic Safety Ad-
ministration, close to 10,000 people died in
drunk-driving related crashes during 2011
(that’s one person’s death every 53 minutes).
Drunk-driving costs the United States $132
billion dollars a year, but the costs associated
from the treating of health issues that arise
from alcohol dependence & abuse annually
costs this nation more than $200 billion, a
dollar amount significantly higher than costs
associated with the treating of obesity or
If only therewas away for consumers to
shamelessly indulge in their favored flavored
beverage without having to risk potential
ramifications to their own health and safety,
or the health and safety of others. Reynald
Grattagliano might just have devised the so-
lution, or more appropriately, the formula,
which not only offers an alternative in terms
of consumption, but also something of a new
business opportunity.
Grattagliano is the founder of Arkay,
a product line of beverages that are whisky-
flavored, but 100% free of alcohol. Though
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