February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 79
Q&A BWM Dyer Ad.indd 1
2/1/13 9:25 AM
the number of services that members take
advantage of, Getto offers the example of a
typical small business that generates annual
revenue of $1.5 million dollars. If relying on
the core eight or nine services of the over
two dozen facilitated by BizUnite, the busi-
ness can achieve annual savings of more than
$12,000. Those savings can be greater, but
once again, it depends on how many of the
services are utilized. Getto describes a recent
case involving a member who is now saving
more than a $1,000 a month in fees paid for
waste disposal.
Similar savings are provided in terms
of credit card processing fees, the average
savings with the program is $4,000 and sev-
eral companies have experienced well over
$10,000 in annualized savings. BizUnite
members have relied on this service to the
tune of more than half a billion dollars last
year. The charges related to this service are
also fixed-rates, guaranteed to not increase
via the typical fluctuations of interchange
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