February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 81
zations are assigned a member services repre-
sentative who becomes their single-point of
contact, “a de facto employee” of sorts. They
basically go to work ensuring their mem-
bers are equipped with the tools and ser-
vices needed. A virtual marketplace branded
and customized to the organization’s needs,
which is established with a “Start Savings”
link enacted through the convenient push of
a button.
For now, Getto says BizUnite is looking to
expand on the range of services provided to
members, which includes expanding on op-
portunities to serve in Canada.
The company is also investing in au-
tomation and technological enhancements
that would lead to greater efficiencies in
converting raw data to real, specifically in
the way of processing rebates and tracking
data resulting from service interactions. In
facilitating so much business, BizUnite has
already relied on highly sophisticated, pro-
prietary CRM software. His feeling is that
some of this technology could ultimately
be developed into a freestanding business in
its own right, but that is down the road. For
now, he and the team at BizUnite are fully
engaged in building of beneficial relation-
ships between businesses. With costs being
so much of a concern in these tumultuous
times, the BizUnite proposition is, by and
large a no-brainer, essentially sustainable de-
spite economic ups-or-downs.
And as long as there are businesses compet-
ing for business, BizUnite will further ben-
efit by forming strategic partnerships which
will allow one to emerge as a winner. “The
more players there are in any industry, the
better off it is for us to bring civility to it,”
says Getto. “We are the great consolidator.”
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