February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 91
much as 100 independent contractors. He is
currently seeking additional sales representa-
tives and distribution agreements. Licensed
sales reps can garner up to 40% return from
sales, and unlike alcohol, Arkay isn’t con-
strained by strict market regulations allow-
ing it to be sold virtually anywhere. In fact,
many sales have been generated via Arkay’s
presence Online at
com. Now, it is fair to note that some of the
product reviews have been less than favor-
able. Arkay has provoked wrath from some
whisky die-hards, including manufacturing
associations in Scotland who take great of-
fense to anything as whisky-flavored which
doesn’t actually include whisky. Grattagliano
is undeterred by such consternation. Though
he has profited significantly from this ven-
ture, he says the real value comes from pro-
ducing a product that is safe to drink, thereby
allowing consumers to avoid health or judi-
cial perils. He shares a story about a friend in
Colombia, who after a night of drinking, was
in a car crash which left him crippled for life.
His hope is that Arkay will provide an alter-
native that helps people steer clear of pitfalls
associated with alcohol. “If I could help save
one person’s life, it will all be worth it,” says
In a study of 147 countries conducted by
the World Health Organization, it was de-
termined, annually, there are more than two
million deaths attributed to alcohol use.
Though Arkay has already proven solid as a
business model, if it can additionally serve to
diminish such dire instances of death, it will
further prove deserving for all to raise a glass
and toast to its success.
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