February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 95
rant and inquired if Poulton was willing to
take over evening managerial duties. For the
next years, Poulton did double duty, work-
ing for the trust company each day and the
restaurant each night. This was his very first
experience with managing a restaurant, and
it didn’t take long before he realized just how
much he enjoyed interacting with the guests
and developing operational enhancements
which catered to their service.
As time passed, Poulton began to for-
mulate strategies on how to grow the busi-
ness, and was confident there was an oppor-
tunity for multiple unit development, if only
some operations improvements could be
made, certain tweaks with operational con-
sistency, menu offering and design enhance-
ments involving fixtures and the restaurant
floor plan. This would necessitate a degree
of change that would ultimately have to be
approved by the owner, namely his Father-
in-Law, and rather than confront the certain
challenges to implementing those strategies,
the two men ultimately came to an agree-
ment which led to Poulton’s purchase of the
restaurant. His improvements ultimately
proved to be a resounding success, business
took off, and Poulton has never looked back.
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