February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 103
ery day. That’s integral to the culture we’ve
developed, it’s about treating someone the
way you would like to be treated. And isn’t it
nice to be treated with respect?”
St. Louis Bar & Grill has recently
opened its first location in New Bruns-
wick. Poulton anticipates further expan-
sion into Alberta by next year. He envisions
a time soon where the company will expand
throughout the eastern coast of Canada. He
has been fielding inquiries from Asia, as well
as the US, and says he is open to the possi-
bilities of international growth, but, for now,
is fully engaged in recognizing the vision for
further growth in Canada. While the com-
pany will continue to move beyond its home
in Canada, Poulton says it will never move
from the values he and his team worked so
hard to instill at all locations. “Our achieve-
ment has come from not getting away from
who we are, knowing what we do, being stra-
tegic, and remembering it is the brand we’re
building. And that brand is not what we say
it is; it is what the guest says it is... as long as
we never forget that, we’ll be successful.”
For more details about St. Louis Bar
& Grill Restaurant, including merchan-
dise, franchising opportunities and fun facts
(such as the distance fromYonge & Eglinton
to Rome or how best to fend off an alligator
attack) visit the company website at www.
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