110 | Business World Magazine |
February 2013
Like their name would suggest, Global Fran-
chise Group, LLC is an international com-
pany, a fact that sets them apart in the mar-
ketplace. They have a “global footprint,” and
represent what people love about American
snack brands, Dull says.
The group is also unique because of the
many facets of their operation, which is
not limited to just franchising. They own
a manufacturing facility, for example, that
produces and supplies the raw cookie dough
product and pretzel flour used by their Great
American Cookies® and Pretzelmaker® fran-
chises respectively. They also operate several
company-owned stores, which “are definitely
a part of our future development,” Dull says.
“It gives our business some street credibility,
and it gives us an opportunity to research and
develop new products and try new methods
of operating without putting our franchisees
in harm’s way.”
“I don’t think there’s anyone out there
that does what we do as well as what we do
in as many places as we do,” he adds.
What also makes Global Franchise Group
stand out among their competitors is the
wide-array of options they present franchi-
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