February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 109
Chris Dull started his career in franchise
management with Marble Slab Creamery
nearly 17 years ago. He was introduced to
the group at large when they were purchased
by brand management company NexCen
Brands, Inc. “When NexCen Brands were
acquiring all of the QSR concepts, they liked
the acceleration around Marble Slab Cream-
ery® and the way we had grown the business,”
Dull recalls. “That was the model they want-
ed to employ for all of the other brands they
acquired.” In 2010, NexCen sold its fran-
chise businesses to Global Franchise Group
and Dull took on his new position.
During his tenure with NexCen, Dull
gained an acute perspective on franchise op-
erations and management by working both
at the corporate level as well as in-store,
quickly rising to the position of Executive
“When I startedwithMarble SlabCream-
ery, the focus was on one brand and growing
that one brand. I was also involved inmaking
sure that the brands we were buying and the
franchise models we were buying were those
that could grow,” he says. “I definitely got to
do a lot in the last 17 years, particularly over
the last seven.”
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