102 | Business World Magazine |
February 2013
low one to rapidly prosper in the profession.
Beyond the ability to effectively grow
in business, St. Louis Bar & Grill has been
able to beneficially impact lives well beyond
the serving of a fine meal. Some years ago,
after being approached by a group of fathers
struggling with issues involving the care and
schooling of their children who were afflict-
ed by Autism, the company dedicated itself
to providing funds that would lead to new
resources for support. Poulton says he had
also been inspired by his experience with
an employee who had encountered similar
struggles raising his autistic child. In the years
that have followed, St. Louis Bar & Grill has
provided more than $400,000 in support of
Autism-related causes.
As Poulton says, “You have to give
back. You have to keep your eyes open about
what is going on around you and help where
you can. That’s what we try and execute ev-
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