94 | Business World Magazine |
February 2013
The restaurant’s trademark logo not only
touts the term “Devilishly Good”, but also
depicts a radiant halo and iconic, if not less
angelic, bifurcated tail. But to tell the tale of
St. Louis Bar & Grill’s success, it is impor-
tant to note that it isn’t simply due to those
wickedly-wonderful wings & ribs, nor their
secret seasoning, but more so, the reasoning
and illuminating inspiration of a man who
diligently determined to transform one little
restaurant into a leading brand.
As much as life is what happens when
one is busy making other plans, St. Louis Bar
and Grill CEO Brent Poulton says his initial
life plans never included any notions of go-
ing into the restaurant business. Having been
raised in a quaint and quiet Ontario commu-
nity, he ventured to the big city of Toronto to
earn a college degree in city planning & ur-
ban development. While attending school,
he met the love of his life in a young lady
whose father operated a small bar and grill.
Though Poulton had secured good employ-
ment at a trust company where he was tasked
with residential mortgage underwriting, the
girl’s father was short of help at the restau-
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