88 | Business World Magazine |
February 2013
He has secured distribution agreements in
Canada, Europe, China, Colombia, Nige-
ria, South Africa, as well as the Middle East
where some nations have exceedingly strict
rules governing the consumption of alcohol.
Arkay, of course, poses no legal consequenc-
es for consumers. It also poses no health con-
sequences as it is sugar-free, carb-free, sodi-
um-free, and has zero calories. What it does
impart, says Grattagliano, is the sense that
one is actually drinking whiskey. “When you
drink, it has a balanced flavor and feel. Even
water has a certain taste… all drinks do. So
when you drink Arkay, you have the impres-
sion of whiskey in your mouth… it has that
uumph, the aftertaste, just like whiskey, but
without the alcohol.”
Arkay’s ability to mimic whisky flavor-
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