106 | Business World Magazine |
February 2013
Global Franchise Group, LLC (GFG) is a
strategic brand management company spe-
cializing in the retail franchising of some of
the most revered, if not instantly recogniz-
able, concepts in the quick service, restaurant
franchising industry. For all whose tongues
have been tantalized by treats from Great
American Cookies®, Marble Slab Creamery®,
MaggieMoo’s Ice Cream and Treatery®, or
that of Pretzelmaker®, just know that GFG
is the parent director and diligent deliverer
of that which consumers simply consider as
delicious. The company’s approach to prod-
uct offerings, much like their approach to
business, involves a time-tested recipe that
involves inspiring people, thrilling custom-
ers, and enriching investors.
Of course, as GFG President & CEO
Chris Dull explains, where there is inspired
staff and thrilled customers, so too are there
happy investors.
Global Franchise Group is an affiliate of
Levine Leichtman Capital Partners, an inde-
pendent investment firm with $5-billion of
capital under management and substantial
franchise management experience.
Chris Dull,
GFG President & CEO
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