February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 73
mid-sized, independent companies with the
means to achieve capabilities previously only
afforded to huge corporations with which
they were competing for business.
The ingenuity exactedbyBrodsky andGreen-
berg ultimately spurred the development
of a new, dynamic business model known
as BizUnite. To put it all in proper context,
historical insight is offered by BizUnite Co-
President Barth Getto who has been with
the organization for almost 20 years, initially
as CCA’s membership director. Getto (pro-
nounced “Jetto” which in Italian translates
to throw or pitch) was the indomitable pitch
man who explained benefits of participation
to potential members which facilitated the
organization’s further growth, but he also as-
sisted in the development of new services for
members. In the early 90s, he says CCA was
only comprised of a few divisions of which
flooring was the largest. “We had a homoge-
nous group of independent flooring retailers
and we became very good at creating a differ-
entiated product for members in merchan-
dising, marketing and buying power. We had
become successful at harnessing economies