BWM Oct 2013 - page 224

224 | Business World Magazine |
October 2013
collectively comprised by a population of
some 400,000 people. MGA employs ap-
proximately 300 personnel whose exper-
tise and dedication to duty have helped
this service achieve ranking among the
top ambulance services inAmerica. MGA
is also one of the few ambulance services
in Georgia that has earned accreditation
through the Commission onAccreditation
of Ambulance Services, an independent
Commission whose standards reflect the
highest quality in the delivery of modern
emergency medical services; standards
that often exceed those imposed by state
or local regulations. MGA is the one-and-
only CAAS Accredited service in central
and South Georgia. Today In addition to
fulfilling 9-1-1 emergency medical trans-
port services, MGA also provides non-
emergency transport services, neo-natal
transport and special stand-by event cov-
erage in a for a range of community events.
“There are challenges we’ve been able to
overcome, making us better, and stron-
ger health care providers along the way”
says Director of Public Relations Amy
Abel-Kiker. She says that in responding
to emergencies in some of the more rural
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