BWM Oct 2013 - page 228

228 | Business World Magazine |
October 2013
Simons Pediatric Award of Excellence
and the Mary Beth Bowns Excellence in
Trauma Care Award. Abel-Kiker says the
occasion marked a rare occurrence when
multiple awards resulted from a single
Yet, the staff at MGA approaches their
work as something more of a life’s call-
ing as opposed to a career pursuit, and as
such, life-saving isn’t limited to an on-
duty shift. Consider a recent case involv-
ing MGA EMTAndrew Werkheiser. Dur-
ing a recent family vacation to Hawaii,
he was traveling along a beach when he
came upon a scene of bystanders dis-
traught by a situation involving a tour-
ist who had suddenly collapsed on the
ground. Werkheiser quickly administered
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