BWM Oct 2013 - page 237

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 237
enhancing education and training of future
builders and increasing the body of knowl-
edge on housing issues).
In terms of issues and trends within the
industry, green building practices have elic-
ited significant emphasis from the NAHB.
More than six years ago, the NAHB part-
nered with the International Code Council
to create the first nationally-recognizable
standard definition of green building, a pro-
cess that resulted in the ICC 700 National
Green Building Standard, the first (and
only) residential green building rating sys-
tem to undergo the full consensus process
and achieve approval from the AmericanNa-
tional Standards Institute. Originally pub-
lished in 2009, the system was reviewed and
updated last year. The 2012 National Green
Building Standard ultimately raised the bar
on energy efficiency requirements, revolu-
tionized the manner in which renovations
and remodeling projects are treated through
the standard, incentivized aspects in devel-
opment and lot design, and effected changes
that principals believe make the standard
now easier to understand and implement.
These enhancements will reportedly better
enable the standard’s increased penetration
throughout the industry.
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