BWM Oct 2013 - page 244

244 | Business World Magazine |
October 2013
erties, compositional structure and even
the method in which a coating is applied
imparts qualities that involve much more
than shades of color, but connote to shades
of greatness in attributes that augment the
integrity, durability and functional char-
acter of the material that is being coated.
There’s a lot of science and sophisticated
engineering that contributes to any coat-
ing, and with respect to the innovations
coming from Kenwood, the science and
engineering also offers benefits in cost-
effectiveness, convenience and care for
the environment.
To put all of that in proper perspective
requires some insight from Greg Under-
wood, a paint chemist and industry pio-
neer that left off from a family legacy at
U.S. Steel to launch a new legacy with the
founding of Kenwood Painted Metals in
1983. “The chemistry involved in creat-
ing paint and special coatings ... so much
of that is taken for granted by our compet-
itors, but our understanding and apprecia-
tion for the range of innovations and ap-
plications helps distinguish our company
from others,” says Underwood. Yet, to be
sure, the same could be said for what sep-
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