BWM Oct 2013 - page 254

254 | Business World Magazine |
October 2013
ers to help market the opportunities and
advantages these coatings offer.”
Kenwood has a long tradition of part-
nering with industry to promote the ad-
vantages inherent in its operational pro-
cesses as well as helping to clients better
understand the scientific advancements
which have led to the introduction of new
coatings. It maintains a close relation-
ship with many of the major steel mills
and paint suppliers, but also trade orga-
nizations that include the National Coil
Coaters Association, the Door and Access
Systems Manufacturers Association and
the National Frame Building Association.
“This helps us to stay close to new in-
novations that come out of these indus-
tries, and we don’t see our involvement
in term of just selling... we try to stay en-
gaged as an integral member of these or-
ganizations too,” says Underwood.
In term of the future, Underwood express-
es optimism that the company will con-
tinue to experience growth as demand for
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